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提高“两课”教学的生动性,就要在备课和讲课时,注重追求思想上的深刻、资料上的精彩和语言上的震撼与精美。力求思想深刻,内容精彩,语言精美。  相似文献   
乐府是汉代文学的重要部分,对五言诗歌的成熟起了极为重要的作用。在古代文学的教学过程中,将汉乐府和先秦时期的诗经、楚辞进行比较,从思想内容、叙事艺术、人物形象等方面解读汉乐府中的名篇,可以让学生更好地理解掌握汉代文学的特点。  相似文献   
文化通性使不同民族文化之间的学习和交融成为可能,新疆石河子是以汉族移民为主体的移民地区,不同地域移民带来的文化互相碰撞交融,与兵团文化结合形成了独具特色的石河子多元一体地域文化。本文从经济生活、宗教信仰和民俗习惯、教育观和生育观几个方面来分析石河子特殊的移民文化对当地少数民族文化产生的影响。  相似文献   
本研究希望基于一种平等的、双向度的视角,分别从不同民族的视角探讨本民族成员与其他民族成员的社会距离。采用修订的社会距离问卷对54名哈萨克族、195名汉族和234名维吾尔族大学生进行调查。结果表明,不论是汉族,还是哈萨克族和维吾尔族都表现出内群体偏好,愿意与本民族成员发生亲密的社会交往;哈萨克族与维吾尔族间的社会交往要显著亲密于哈萨克族与回族、蒙古族和藏族间的社会交往。  相似文献   
自主学习是大学生除课堂学习之外最主要的学习形式,也是提高大学生自身素质的重要手段。新疆是多民族聚居地区,民汉大学生学习融合成为新疆教育的一大特色。在学习融合的过程中,民汉学生的自主性学习是否存在差异,成为关注的内容。本文通过调查问卷的形式,对民汉大学生的自主性学习的现状与影响因素进行了对比研究,发现民汉大学生自主学习差异不大,根据问卷调查的情况,提出了加强民汉大学生自主学习的建议。  相似文献   
The article studies the range of problems that have emerged due to the growing immigration from Muslim countries into the European Union (EU). While describing the functions of immigrants' communities, the authors focus on their political role in the receiving states. The study of the historical development of government–diaspora relations in three cases (the UK, France, and Germany) shows that Muslim communities' political influence does not reflect their economic and cultural role, which in the future might threaten the EU security, unless these countries develop a new approach to an “acculturation” policy.  相似文献   
党的作风问题 ,也是党的形象问题 ,作风不正 ,形象好不了 ,必然脱离群众 ,脱离实际 ,就会严重影响人心向背 ,影响群众的信任 ,影响党的工作和事业 ,这是十分危险的。综观国际国内形势 ,进入新世纪 ,我们党面临的形势、任务、环境正发生深刻而复杂的变化 ,机遇与挑战同在 ,希望与困难并存 ,需要我们党站在时代的高度统揽全局 ,与时俱进 ,按照“三个代表”的要求 ,全面加强党的建设。而改进党的作风 ,既是新时期党的建设的根本 ,也是实践“三个代表”的必然要求  相似文献   

This article systematically assesses the 2014 Afghanistan Presidential Election, the first transfer of power from President Hamid Karzai to an elected successor, using provincial voting data as well as explicit data from polling centers. The analysis finds unusual voting results in the April election, where no candidate received 50%+1 votes required by the Afghan constitution, versus the voting results realized for the June ‘runoff election.’ As in other Afghan voting analyses, this article finds voting based on ethno-linguistic preferences, and interestingly found Dr. Ashraf Ghani receiving almost all the swing votes in the runoff election even though the other leading candidate from the April election all endorsed Dr. Abdullah Abdullah. More importantly, however, the research presented here clearly finds extremely strange voting patterns. For example, the polling data center analysis finds 606 polling places where Ghani received all 600 votes and Abdullah received none and another 900 polling centers that gave virtually all its votes to Ghani. These results in combination with other analyses raise the very real possibility that the election results were illegitimate. The article concludes with a discussion of the implications of the research to future Afghan elections and their processes as well as to the long-standing conflict in the country.  相似文献   
This article explores series of “red lines” issued over the years by the USA and Israel toward Iran and Syria. It argues that the effectiveness of inflexible “red lines” in an environment that is given to rapid change is doubtful. They provide an adversary with the ability to determine when the deterring party will act and when they will not, a situation that is often undesirable. Moreover, their inflexible nature on the one hand opens the doors for circumvention while technically staying within their parameters. On the other hand, a strategy of more ambiguous “red lines” that allow flexibility in choosing the time, intensity, and nature of the response could also achieve a considerable deterrent effect, provided that they do not remain mere bluffs.  相似文献   
进学生头脑”是在高等学校全面实现邓小平理论“三进”目标的关键。在深入调查研究基础上 ,找准联系实际改进邓小平理论教学的切入点 ;采用专题教学方式 ;改变被动的学习方式 ;改革重理论轻实践的考核方式 ,促进邓小平理论进学生头脑目标的全面实现。并在上述过程中 ,注意遵循有利于唤起学生学习兴趣 ,有利于发挥学生学习的主体作用 ,就事论理 ,深化认识 ,不割断历史及实事求是 ,科学严肃的原则  相似文献   
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